The High Priestess image

The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning

One of the major arcana tarot cards, the High Priestess, revolves around intuition, spirituality and inner self. The card encourages you to trust your inner feelings and look within for answers. This way, you can uncover some hidden truths and gain a deeper understanding.

Main Features of The High Priestess

After exploring the High Priestess meaning, let's check out what features set apart the tarot card. We will explore its main features, including associated planets and elements.

  • Parts of The High Priestess Card- Upright and Reversed
  • Element- Water
  • Planet- Moon
  • Zodiac Signs- Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
  • Yes or No Card- Yes
  • Healing Crystals- Aquamarine, Labradorite

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The High Priestess Card Symbol Meaning

The image of the High Priestess tarot guide shows a Priestess sitting in front of a sheet, and there are two pillars with the letters B and J carved on each pillar. Let us break down the meaning of each element in the appearance of the tarot card:

  • The High Priestess: The main figure of the picture, the High Priestess, represents wisdom, intuition, and gut feelings. She listens to her inner voice and makes decisions.
  • The Pillars (B and J): The pillars represent the dual nature of everything in the Universe. The pillar with the letter B stands for Boaz or strength, and the letter J of the white pillar stands for Jachin or "he establishes".
  • The Scroll: The partly hidden scroll with the word ‘TORA’ stands for hidden knowledge and secrets. It shows that sometimes, we must use our intuition to discover hidden secrets.
  • Crescent Moon: The crescent moon at the High Priestess’s feet and crown symbolises the subconscious mind and the cycles of life. The waxing and waning crescent moon connect our inner emotions and feelings.

The High Priestess Tarot Card - Upright & Reversed

The meaning of the High Priestess tarot guide differs in the upright and reversed positions. So, let us see what this ‘card of inner intuitions’ means in different positions.

The High Priestess Tarot Card - Upright

The High Priestess Upright talks about divine feminine energy, fertility, desire, intuition, and creativity. It says that your intuition will never lie to you, and you should open it to your subconscious mind. Soon, the universe will give you signs and opportunities. All you have to do is grab and discover the hidden meaning.

The High Priestess Tarot Card - Reversed

The High Priestess Reversed meaning relates to fertility issues, blockages, and confusion. The card says that certain factors are holding you back, and you are unable to make objective decisions or choices. Your inner intuitions are desperately trying to make you see the truth, but you are avoiding seeing the truth.

The High Priestess AspectsThe High Priestess UprightThe High Priestess Reversed
CareerNew chances for career growthFeeling ignored at the workplace
LovePassionate loverInsecurity and doubts in love life
HealthHealth getting back on trackLoneliness, exhaustion,
FinanceGood money managementBetrayals and deception
SpiritualityConnect with the spiritual selfNeglecting spiritual path

The High Priestess Meaning in Love

Upright: The High Priestess tarot card as feelings highlights a strong connection between you and your partner. Your partner is beautiful, loving, passionate and sensual. Single women may soon get an opportunity to choose the right partner for themselves. But the High Priestess love tarot don’t forget to listen to your inner voice before making a decision.

Reversed: The High Priestess Reversed love reading says you feel insecure, unhappy, and unstable in your love life. You have doubts and insecurities in your heart and find it difficult to trust your partner. The High Priestess tarot love card predicts some issues related to compatibility or mutual understanding in your relationship.

The High Priestess Meaning in Career

Upright: The High Priestess tarot card career says that you will soon receive new opportunities and chances for professional success. It also hints at the entry of a learned person who will help you achieve your dreams faster. After that, everything will go according to your desired plan, and you will work hard to acquire more skills.

Reversed: The Reversed High Priestess tarot card career reading says that you feel unimportant at your workplace, and all your plans are failing. There may be a cunning woman around you who is working hard to pull you down. So, the tarot card guides you to be careful about whom you trust and focus on self-care.

The High Priestess Meaning in Health

Upright: The High Priestess tarot card upright says that you are learning to pay attention to your body, mind, and soul. It says that your hormones may be finally getting back on track. If you’re someone who has been suffering from hormonal issues or PCOD, then your ailments are coming to an end.

Reversed: Health-wise, the High Priestess upside down talks about declining health due to loneliness, isolation, and exhaustion. You have been keeping yourself away from your loved ones, and this isolation is damaging your mental and physical health. Getting this card is a sign to seek medical help and restore energy, health and well-being.

The High Priestess Meaning in Finance

Upright: The High Priestess, in finance, means that you're finally learning to manage your money the right way. Getting this card in a finance reading is a warning not to share all financial information with others. Along with this, the card also teaches you the importance of taking time to think before making any financial decisions.

Reversed: The High Priestess upside down card in finance comes with warnings. On the one hand, it suggests that you be careful and avoid making financial decisions. On the other hand, it warns that someone close to you may soon deceive or betray you. Learn the power of your intuitions and gut feelings, and then spend your money wisely.

The High Priestess Meaning in Spirituality

Upright: The appearance of the High Priestess tarot card upright reminds us to connect with our spiritual selves. It says that the spiritual answers you have been looking for lie within your own subconscious mind. All you have to do is trust your inner feelings and ask for guidance.

Reversed: In an upside-down position, the High Priestess indicates a disconnect from your inner self. You may not be paying attention to your intuition or spiritual side since your priorities are set somewhere else right now. So, it is high time to slow down, listen to what your inner voice is saying and gain perspective and clarity.

The High Priestess Yes or No Meaning

The card is all about inner self, spirituality and duality in a yes or no tarot reading. But its meaning may differ depending on its position. So, let us look at how the tarot card helps you find a yes or no answer to your question.

  • Upright: Yes- If you draw a High Priestess yes or no upright, then it is a positive sign. The card tells you to trust your intuition first and then take your next step. This way, you can make the right choice and avoid failures.
  • Reversed: No- In the reversed yes or no, the High Priestess tarot answers a big no. Due to some hidden factors and uncertainty, you must not move forward right now. First, figure out this confusion and then make a final decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

The High Priestess tarot guide represents intuition, spiritual beliefs, learnings, and feminine energy. When this tarot card appears in a tarot reading, it asks people to look within themselves and understand the subconscious mind and its magic.
The High Priestess tarot card timing says that everything will unfold and happen when it is meant to be. You cannot force things to happen before time.
In a yes or no tarot card reading is a yes card. It indicates that it is safe to move forward with your current situation. But it would be better if you get in touch with your inner intuition and gut feelings before making a decision.
The High Priestess future card means that soon, you will have to rely on your own intuitions and gut feelings. There could be hidden secrets in your journey, and your intuitions will help you through them and guide your decision-making.
The advice from the High Priestess tarot card is to start listening to what your inner self is trying to tell you. Ignoring your gut feelings and intuitions may act against you in the future. So, before making a decision, listen to your wisdom.
The High Priestess as a person is intuitive, intelligent, and tuned in to his inner emotions and intuitions. This individual may appear a bit mysterious, calm and protective of their personal space.
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